
And so it begins....
And so it begins....

Julatten Earth Food  was established 2007, after 2.2ha was purchased, bordering Bushy Creek at the foot of Mt Lewis, Far North Queensland, Australia. The raised gardens are situated at 400 metres altitude and therefore slightly cooler and less humid than coastline regions, such as Cairns. Cleared many years ago for its grand rainforest timber, the property was a virgin grassy paddock when purchased. 


The soil is a mixture of clay and granite sand from the ancient river system that is now a part of the Mitchell River catchment area. Wet Tropic rainforest still exists on the creek banks, as do native animals such as platypus, cassowary, echidna, wallaby, pademelon and vast numbers of bird types.



Julatten Earth Food is an EDIBLE FLOWER GROWING BUSINESS. An extensive list of species are grown without any pesticides or fungicides. You are welcome to view the flowers individually on the next page.



     Wholesale orders for edible flower punnets are welcome to all food distributors in Australia.

     If you are a restaurant / cafe/ cake decorator / caterer please ask your local fresh food distributor.


     Currently they are available from...


     Simon George & Sons.. Cairns


     So Crisp..Brisbane Markets


     Coolibah Salad..Sydney Markets







Take a Virtual Tour of our Farm!


Phone (07) 4094 1889
Email orders@julattenearthfood.com.au






69 Churchill Creek Road,

Julatten, QLD Australia 4871